Operations at Ports and Docks are Reinforced Due to the Increase in Travelers on National Holidays
In view of the increase in passengers traveling by sea to and from the Panamanian coast during the national holidays (November 2-5), the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) reported that it has reinforced its staff nationwide. The AMP reiterated that the action is being carried out with the purpose of safeguarding the safety of navigation, protecting human life at sea and preventing pollution of the marine environment.
“Users are urged to use the docks authorized by the AMP, where our technicians from the General Directorate of Ports and Auxiliary Maritime Industries and the Office of Institutional Security and Maritime Protection will be verifying that vessel operators have their navigation permits, valid safety certificates and comply with regulatory safety measures,” said Jonathan Guerini, Head of Port Operations at the AMP. It is noted that there are approximately 145 inspectors who will be deployed in ports, docks and authorized port facilities, to ensure that vessel owners and captains comply with the established rules.
Likewise, it is emphasized that the vessels must have the minimum safety requirements, including: life jackets, adequate communication equipment, flares, outboard motor in optimal conditions and portable ABC type fire extinguishers of at least four kilos, among others. In addition, it is recommended to board the boat slowly and carefully, distribute passengers one by one as they board, give a life jacket to each passenger and remain seated during docking, undocking and navigation maneuvers. The AMP also emphasizes that outboard motor boats may only make trips between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. In addition, artisanal fishing or semi-industrial fishing boats are not authorized to transport passengers.