We Noticed a Nice Ad for Kamala in POLITICS and We Wanted to Share Our Thoughts

Hello Newsroom.  We would like to say hello.  We spent a lot of our years in Florida and North Carolina.  My name is Gertie and my husband worked in the US Government, so we travelled throughout the US so we have lived in many communities.  Our hearts go out to our many friends suffering this year with hurricanes and tornados.  We retired to Panama a few years ago when the Friendly Nations Visa was truly friendly, so we were fortunate in our timing.  We found your online Newspaper in English last year and we have become big fans as our Spanish is not great so far, but we are learning.  What I like about your Newspaper is that people can write to you to have stories written that people believe are important for others to read.  I like the idea of guest contribution and I hope that you don’t mind if my story is political as I saw a heading there called Politics and a nice story there about Kamala.  Daily I read The Hill, The New York Times, I look at all the major papers and TV networks which we are very fortunate to have available to us in Panama, and I love political discussions. 

I will admit that it is very difficult to find objective journalism these days.  It seems that all the newspapers and networks are picking political sides to belong to, and it seems that the broadcasters are not impartial or unbiased.  They don’t even try to be anymore.  Perhaps to get a job at a radio, newspaper, or TV station, a person has to tell them their political association?  That is really too bad.   We were Democrats back in the States however my husband, a man of color, felt that he was being recently scolded by Barack Obama for not supporting Kamala Harris.  My husband was insulted by this conduct and has switched parties as a result, along with other issues of course, so I guess their plan is not working.  Kamala has never helped black people in her almost 4 year term and there is no reason to believe that she will do so in the future.  Harris is losing black voters and men in general as she is being compared to leaders in the national limelight such as Vladimir Putin of Russia and Xi Jinping of China and there is no comparison.  I am sure that they would love to have Kamala as leader of the US.  She also seems to be losing the Latino voting population and I can understand why.  Kamala is so ingenuous.  Her answers are so thin.  A non-answer is not an answer.  She should stop attacking her own people in her own country.

The other night I saw her on TV in an interview and at least she was not the cackling moron that we have seen in the past since the almost demise of Joe Biden.  She even was getting her back up and filibustering and almost yelling back at times.  We did not see a lot of Kamala joy.  It was only a half an hour interview but she wasted most of that half hour with “now let me be clear” nonsense.  At every opportunity she tried pointing a finger at Donald Trump to blame him for the last decade of mess in the US hoping to feed on the fact that even some Republicans don’t like Trump.  It was actually the Democrats who were in control of the government the most in the last decade.  Kamala should get her facts straight and look in the mirror.   I think the only positive side I am seeing lately is her clean break from the failed Biden administration.  Too bad she can’t do the same from Tim Walz.  Ladies, can you imagine Tim as President of the United States if Kamala is no longer there?  OMG, what a disgusting man that Tim Walz is.  He couldn’t lie more about his background or his time spent in the military.  JD Vance is head and shoulders above Walz in every department and I believe that he could fit right in as President if needed and do a great job.  It would also be nice to see Elon Musk, the brain child, who is also the richest and smartest man in the world, to help with the new government.  It does need some serious overhaul work since Biden took over. 

Kamala tends to speak in generalizations with vague answers, and she is the queen of ignoring questions and putting in awkward, word salad answers.  She is unprepared, and gives messy statements and attacks people like Ron DeSantis accusing him of political games, who is doing such a great job in Florida.  She has trouble speaking when her teleprompter goes down.  I know that there are many great women leaders in this world, but Kamala Harris is not one of them.  I understand that at least 20% of the population doesn’t want to see Donald Trump as President again, so the only alternative is Kamala, but with no structure and constantly dodging questions, she is a most terrible choice as President of our great nation.  I can’t even consider her as the Commander and Chief of the United States Armed Forces.  Soldiers, union leaders and union members, are all taking a good long look at her to make that choice and they don’t seem to be happy.  I watched Kamala on TV the other day in a debate and she ignored almost all of the questions and tried to turn then around to slam Trump.  It was though she was saying to the commentator, “Just who do you think that you are?  I am the Vice-President of the United States of America, and who are you to be giving me all of these ‘hardball’ questions?”  She was getting angry and talking over his questions, and they began talking over each other’s questions and answers.  It was a mess.  Men in women’s sports have always been a problem for me, and Kamala seems to be right on board with that considering that it is ok.  Working class voters are looking for change, so I hope that they get it.  Thank you for reading my rant and I hope that you may print it and that others will consider writing with their opinions.