Heavy Rains in the Highlands, the Bread Basket of Panama, Have Caused Some Prices to Rise

Essential commodities rise in price due to heavy rains in the Highlands. Onion and carrot have doubled their cost in the markets due to adverse weather conditions. Heavy rains in the regions of Tierras Altas and Coclé have caused a considerable rise in the prices of essential agricultural products, affecting both consumers and traders. In markets like Merca Panama, the price of green onions has risen from $3.00 to $6.00, while carrots have risen from 10 to 15 cents per pound. This rising costs is impacting Panamanian families who see their income being reduced to purchase basic food.

Adverse weather conditions, which have led to the declaration of green and yellow alerts by authorities, have created difficulties in vegetable production and distribution, causing a surge in the price of a yard of potatoes, which is now $60. However, a slight drop in the cost of onions has been reported, which has dropped to $1 per pound.