Former Congressman Juan Diego Vásquez Reacted Strongly to Odila Castillo

Former congressman Juan Diego Vásquez reacted strongly after the investigation published which reveals the acquisition of multiple properties by Odila Castillo, former official of the Comptroller General of the Republic.  Castillo, who is also a lawyer and owner of a law firm, reportedly purchased in 2022, in addition to her residence in Santa María, 11 apartments in the PH Spotlight, located on Ricardo J. Alfaro Avenue, with a total value of $2.1 million.

“Did the promoters and sellers of these apartments carry out the necessary procedures to ensure that the former official’s money was legal?” the former deputy asked, suggesting the need for greater scrutiny in real estate transactions to avoid the use of money from illegal activities.  Castillo acquired 11 apartments in the PH Spotlight, each valued at around $200,000, of which 10 have a deed of purchase on the same day: November 27, 2023.  The leader of the Vamos coalition also called for not focusing solely on government corruption, but also for investigating possible complicity in the private sector. “In Panama, unfortunately, there is a lot of corruption, but it is among officials, former officials and businessmen.  Everyone must be held accountable,” added Vásquez.