In 2019, Odila Castillo Bonilla Was a Civil Servant. Today, Odila is a Prosperous Multimillionaire.

Odila Castillo Bonilla, Pictured Above in Her Offices in the Financial Park of Costa de Este

The fascinating story of the millionaire ex-civil servant.  A lawyer, who was an official of the Comptroller General of the Republic until early 2022, is now a millionaire who represents and manages payments and addenda in favor of state contractors. In 2019, Odila Castillo Bonilla was a civil servant like any other of the tens of thousands who work for the public service. She worked in the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic as a legal advisor. The new PRD government arrived when she had already been working there for some years. Under the previous administration, she worked for the Superior Office, headed by Comptroller Gerardo Solís.  Today, the former official is a prosperous multimillionaire. She owns a dozen apartments in Panama City; she lives in a luxurious penthouse in the exclusive, walled residential area of ​​Santa María; she spends her days of leisure in an apartment on the coast of Buenaventura, and she owns an expensive commercial premises in David, in her native Chiriquí. Her new office is finely decorated after buying four commercial premises in Costa del Este. In her local bank, she has millions of dollars. Is it time to investigate or is this just one lucky lady in business?