Pope Francis says US Catholics Need to Vote for the Lesser Evil

Pope Francis recently urged Catholic voters to choose the “lesser evil” between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, while offering sharp criticisms of both. Speaking during a press conference aboard his papal plane after a 12-day tour of Southeast Asia and Oceania, the pope emphasized the moral complexity of the upcoming U.S. presidential election. He refrained from endorsing either candidate, instead advising voters to examine their consciences.  “You must choose the lesser evil,” Francis said. “Who is the lesser evil; that lady, or that gentleman?  I don’t know. Everyone, in conscience, has to think and do this.”  The pope’s remarks addressed the controversial policies of both candidates. Harris’ support for abortion rights, particularly her intention to codify Roe v. Wade into law if elected, was sharply criticized. “It is an assassination,” Pope Francis said of abortion, calling for clarity and leaving no room for exceptions: “On these things we must speak clearly. No ‘but’ or ‘however.’”  At the same time, the pontiff strongly condemned Trump’s proposed immigration policies, specifically his promise of the “largest mass deportation in American history.” According to Francis, “Not welcoming migrants is a sin. It is grave.” The pope acknowledged the difficult moral choices Catholic voters face, stating that both policies—abortion and harsh treatment of migrants—are fundamentally against life. “Whether it is the one who is chasing away migrants, or the one who kills children, both are against life,” he asserted.