The Use of a Child Seat in Panama Vehicles Could Become Mandatory

Mother putting baby girl in baby car seat

How many times have you seen cars in Panama whizzing by with kids allowed to wander freely in the seats. A proposed bill seeking to establish the mandatory use of child recliners appropriate for the age, weight and size of minors during vehicular mobility advanced in the National Assembly.  The Transport Legislative Committee welcomed the project Monday August 26 and sent it for discussion in the first debate. 

The initiative consists of 27 articles and proposes to establish measures to ensure the safety and protection of underage children by compulsory use of a chair.  The main goal is to reduce the incidence of injuries and deaths in traffic accidents.  Also, the future rule seeks to raise awareness among the population on the importance of the correct use of these safety devices and to promote a culture of prevention and child care on public roads.  This project is promoted by the deputy of the Vamos bench, Yarelis Rodriguez, who demonstrated that the seat belt in children is an element that, in transport, has saved thousands of lives and is not used today.  “In Panama, there is no specific and rigorous regulation that regulates the use of child restraint chairs,” he assured.

Child car seat for safety in the rear passenger seat of a car.