$562.8 Million of Minera Mine Money Missing From the Previous Cortizo Government

Lawyers José Antonio Moncada and Heraclio Bustamante pictured above filed a complaint with the Public Prosecutor’s Office to investigate the whereabouts of $562.8 million in taxes and royalties given by Minera Panamá to the previous Cortizo government.  The complaint was filed with the Public Ministry (MP) by attorney Heraclio Bustamante on Monday, August 26, 2024, at the headquarters of the MP, located in Calidonia, and highlights that at a press conference last week; President José Raúl Mulino announced that these funds do not exist, so it is necessary to investigate their whereabouts. The disappearance occurred just after the end of the electoral campaign in which the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) made a large economic investment to try to stay in power.

Bustamante stressed that the amount was supposedly deposited in the National Treasury account and that it is imperative to know who authorized its use and determine the projects or activities for which it was allocated.  The lawyer said that it is necessary to know the whereabouts of these resources.  The complaint states that the irregular handling of these funds may constitute a crime of embezzlement and that all officials who were related to his administration should be investigated.  Bustamante also indicated that it is essential to investigate the participation of former President Laurentino Cortizo, former Minister of Economy and Finance, Héctor Alexander, and other officials of the previous government.