Boquete’s Photo Stop is Being Relocated

The Panama Tourism Authority (ATP) announced through its Instagram account that it is relocating the photo stop in Boquete, Chiriquí province.  According to the statement, the decision was made after a thorough analysis that took into account safety, accessibility and the experience of visitors to the site. 

The ATP then announced that the photo booth will be relocated within the grounds of the Flower and Coffee Fair, at the request of its board of trustees.  We appreciate the understanding and cooperation of the community and visitors during this transition period.”  To install these stops, the ATP first conducts a study to confirm the tourist conditions of the site or location, then signs a municipal agreement and finally evaluates their location so as not to interrupt vehicular traffic. 

Photo stops are located in other areas of the country such as the Cinta Costera I, Pedasí, Amador, Chame, Las Tablas, Colón, Boquete and Tierras Altas.  Each photo stop costs $12,000 and has a maintenance guarantee, the entity in charge of national tourism reported.