Panama Pacific Reaffirms Commitment to Sustainability and Plants 400 Seedlings

In keeping with its firm commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, Panama Pacifico developed a new reforestation campaign, which marked the beginning of a new five-year cycle, with the planting of 400 seedlings of different varieties, including espavés, oaks and guayacanes. 


Panama Pacific, as the amalgamation represented by the companies grouped under the Association of Companies of the Panama Pacific Area (ADEDAPP), the Panama Pacific Agency (APP) and the Master Developer London & Regional Panama (LRP), brought together nearly 200 people who participated in this event that seeks to fill the area with life and color in the near future.  The new administrator of the Panama Pacific Agency, engineer Javier Suárez Pinzón, expressed his satisfaction with the success of the event and was emphatic about the collective effort that made it possible to carry out this activity.  “This is a very symbolic event for us and for the participating companies.  We are planting trees, but we are also sowing a long-term commitment to the maintenance and care of these seedlings, which will benefit the entire community of Panama Pacifico, Arraiján and Veracruz,” said the administrator. 


With the collaboration of the Ministry of Environment (MiAmbiente), who offered an educational talk on the correct planting and care of trees, they explained the growth times and the care necessary to ensure the short and long-term development of this work they carried out.  It is expected that in about 7 or 8 years, the planted trees will bloom, filling the area that is currently undergoing reforestation with vibrant colors.  “The vision is that this space, which now seems empty, will be transformed into a lush landscape, with flowers of various colors, the result of the effort and dedication of all those who participated in this event ,” said Suárez. 


With this activity, ADEDAPP, LRP and the Panama Pacific Agency reaffirm their commitment, as Panama Pacific, to continue contributing to the sustainable development of the country for the benefit of future generations.  “These types of initiatives not only beautify our surroundings, but also strengthen the bond with the community and the commitment of our companies to sustainability.  It is a source of pride to see how we work together for a greener future,” said ADEDAPP President José Luis Moreno.