Your Panama National Police Have Had a Busy Weekend So Far With 154 Arrests

In the last 24 hours, the National Police (PN) arrested 154 people.  The National Directorate of Traffic Operations of the PN reported that 135 traffic accidents were recorded, in which 26 people were injured.  There were also 1,677 traffic tickets, including 276 for speeding, 58 for improper lights, 10 for talking on a cell phone, 24 for expired licenses, 12 for proven drunkenness and one for alcohol on the breath. In addition, 33 vehicles were towed away.

Of the 154 people arrested, 103 were by court order, 28 for administrative offenses, five for micro-trafficking and 18 in flagrante delicto (“caught red-handed” is the English equivalent expression, or someone being caught in the midst of sexual activity.)  Last weekend there were 133 arrests.  During heavy operations, police units raided 93 residences, seized seven firearms with 24 rounds of ammunition, 64 packages of drugs and the sum of $610.00 in cash. In addition, the PN reported the recovery of three vehicles that had been reported stolen and burglarized. 439 reeds, 163 pills with suspected drugs and five bags of marijuana were also seized.