Panama Deploys Humanitarian Assistance in the Face of Persistent Rains

The rains continue amid a climatic phenomenon that continues to hit the entire region.  Panama, being another victim of the effect of the storms, has deployed strategies for containment and humanitarian assistance, in an effort to care for the victims of floods. 


According to an official report from the Emergency Operations Center (COE) of the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc), the recent rains that occurred in the district of Tonosí, in the province of Los Santos, caused flooding that affected homes in the towns of Nuario, Flores and El Cacao.  Some 120 families from the districts of Las Tablas and Tonosí were affected by the overflow of the Flores River.  According to the COE, there were no reports of missing persons. 


The Office of the First Lady provided humanitarian assistance to those affected, to whom it delivered mattresses, bottled water, cleaning kits, family kits, baby kits and kitchen utensils.  The National Civil Protection System reminds the population to be cautious when rivers and streams rise. 


The recorded rainfall is typical of the season, says the Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology of Panama.