Monday July First is a National Holiday in Panama – The Presidential Inauguration

Security forces will deploy a traffic control operation on Monday, July 1, which includes closing several streets surrounding the Atlapa Convention Center, the venue for President José Raúl Mulino’s inauguration.  As scheduled, traffic detours will be made in the vicinity of Atlapa, specifically on Cincuentenario Road (towards Los Fundadores Street and Calle 75 East). In addition, access to streets 76, 77, and 79, district of San Francisco, will remain closed. This operation will be from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm on Monday, July 1. The inauguration ceremonies for José Raúl Mulino as president of Panama are scheduled to begin at noon on Monday.


This July 1 is considered a national holiday for the inauguration of the new President of the Republic.  This is regulated in article 181 of the Constitution of the Republic, which indicates that: “both the president and the vice president must take possession of their respective positions on the first day of the month of July following their election.” Thus being a mandatory day of rest.  For this reason, public and private educational centers nationwide will not hold classes on July first.  Likewise, workers would not have to work, as stipulated in Article 46 of the Labor Code.  In the event that there are workers who must work that day, Article 49 of the Labor Code guarantees compensation.