CNN Poll Gives the Debate Win to Trump

We asked for your comments if you were an undecided voter in this upcoming election in the US November 5th.  Here are some of the comments that we could print.  Thank you for taking the time to participate.  Telly at Newsroom Panama.

The president had one job: to prove he was strong enough to take on his predecessor. He wasn’t.

There’s no recovering from this bro.  Old Joe, you are toast.


Maybe the worst moment was when the president was not talking, but the camera showed him staring vacantly into space, his mouth slack and open?


If there were ever a lower moment in the history of U.S. presidential politics—I’m not sure what it was. 


When Biden was talking, and out came this thin, reedy whisper of a voice, and then losing his train of thought.  He is definitely too old to run for anything, let alone President of the US……..geez Louise.


Yes, Biden Flopped.  


What was the worst moment? Perhaps when one especially rambling sentence of Joe Biden’s ended in a mumbled, confused declaration that “We finally beat Medicare”, as if he were the enemy of the very public service Democrats cherish and defend.


Watching Joe Biden stumble and stammer was extremely embarrassing for our country.


It’s risky, but Joe Biden needs to give way to someone who can beat Donald Trump.


Both candidates lied or overly exaggerated repeatedly, and one candidate could barely make his way through a single sentence.


For anyone who cares about the future of the United States it was agonizing to watch.


They both acted like children. I was embarrassed watching them “debate”.


They were like a pair of doddering Florida retirees, bickering over who had the lowest golf handicap.


I mean, this was sad bro. You want to feel bad for the dipchit but then remember everything he’s done and then say nah.


Each man mocked the other as unfit for world leadership


It seemed cruel to put a man of visible frailty through such an ordeal. It was like seniors abuse. 


Former President Bill Clinton once said that Americans prefer “strong and wrong” over “weak and right.” If he’s correct, then an overwhelming majority of his fellow citizens will have settled for former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden in Thursday night’s presidential debate on CNN. 


Biden’s subpar performance is making many of Washington’s allies nervous. Is it too late to replace a presidential candidate?  Not according to other democracies around the world.  From the opening bell of Thursday night’s presidential debate, the first of two debates ahead of the 2024 U.S. election in November, U.S. President Joe Biden seemed off. His voice was faint and raspy—which the Biden campaign later said was from a badly timed cold. The 81-year-old commander in chief repeatedly lost his train of thought and struggled to articulate his talking points. With just over four months to go before Election Day, alarmed Democratic Party insiders openly wondered if Biden should be replaced as the party’s nominee.