Panama Seeks to Update Human Trafficking Law

In an effort to strengthen care for victims of human trafficking, Panama has developed a draft project to update Law 79 of 2011, known as the Law on Human Trafficking and Related Activities. This legislative change is crucial to ensure that the Commission in charge has the necessary resources to adequately respond to the needs of victims.
One of the main challenges that Panama faces is the limitation of resources. Despite these limitations, a significant effort has been made to provide all necessary care to victims. However, it is clear that a more robust funding base is needed to continue providing comprehensive and effective support. Currently, it is crucial that the population understands that human trafficking occurs in Panama. Human trafficking is a global problem that significantly affects Panama. For criminal organizations, it represents the third most lucrative source of criminal income, underscoring the seriousness and magnitude of this problem in society.
The update of Law 79 of 2011 is a crucial step towards improving the care and protection of victims of human trafficking in Panama. By ensuring adequate financing, the State will be able to continue offering the necessary support and more effectively address the challenges associated with human trafficking. This effort will reaffirm Panama’s commitment to the fight against this serious violation of human rights.