New Public Policy in Favor of the Aging Population in Panama

In Panama, life expectancy is 78.7 years, making it one of the countries with the greatest longevity in the region. The Minister of Social Development (MIDES), María Inés Castillo, presented the new public policy in favor of elders in Panama 2024-2030, “For Healthy Aging”, in alliance with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). “The document presented will constitute the guidance for public management decision makers, in favor of a vulnerable group in the country and also lays the foundations for this population to be better cared for,” said Minister Castillo.
It was recognized that our region is aging rapidly. This reality, evidenced by ECLAC estimates and projections and national statistics, poses important challenges for public policies, but also opens up opportunities to advance development with equality. He announced that Panama is among the countries in the region with the greatest longevity, proof of this is that life expectancy is 78.7 years, exceeding the average for Latin America and the Caribbean. Another interesting fact is that those over 60 years of age represent 13.9% of the population, a figure that will increase to 18% in 2030. “It fills us with satisfaction and optimism to deliver this document, with the firm conviction that older people deserve a present and a prosperous, healthy and full of opportunities present and future,” said Minister Castillo. He added that the aging of the population impacts all sectors of society.
In that sense, he affirmed that the labor market will have to adapt to absorb both a growing active population and an elderly population that legitimately aspires to stay in paid work for longer. In relation to the policy, the document proposes the following objectives:
1. Guarantee economic security and reduce poverty in older people.
2. Promote labor inclusion and decent employment for older people.
3. Promote citizen participation, digital inclusion and the generation of knowledge about aging and old age.