Vehicle Fuel Prices, Gasoline and Diesel, are Dropping Friday Morning

Vehicle fuel prices, mainly gasoline and diesel, will decrease Friday June 14 2024 at 6am and stay in effect until June 28, 2024.  Prices of course are different in different areas of Panama, but you will see the drops according to where you live.  95-octane gasoline will decrease 12 cents per gallon, with a price in the city of $3.81, while 91-octane will drop 5 cents to $3.49 per gallon.  Diesel prices will also drop 5 cents, and the diesel price at some places will be $3.23 per gallon.  If you understand liters then you change it accordingly or look at the chart below.  These tariff adjustments, respond to variations in the international market and price regulation policies implemented by the Panamanian authorities.  Consumers and economic sectors across the country will be keeping an eye on these changes, which directly impact operating and transportation costs in various industries.  This new pricing scheme seeks to maintain stability in fuel supply and mitigate economic impact for end-users, aligning with government’s energy management strategies in Panama.  Enjoy it while you can.