Violence Against Migrants

Doctors Without Borders state:  ‘We need to join forces to stop violence against migrants’.  In 2023, MSF attended to 676 cases of sexual violence in Darien. Between January and February 2024, they attended to 328 cases. In the week of May 20, the Costa Rica team identified 35 cases of sexual violence, all of which occurred within the jungle.  The critical situation faced by migrants in the Darién jungle, is one of the most dangerous migratory routes in the world. Doctors without borders, which was working in the region from April 2021 until March 4, when the Ministry of Health notified them that the agreement had expired, describes the conditions that migrants face: violence, dehydration, diseases and,  particularly worrying, are cases of sexual violence.  Through its operations, MSF provides medical care to thousands of people, focusing especially on victims of sexual violence, a medical emergency with serious physical and mental consequences.  They also talk about the suspension of MSF operations in Darién after complying with an order from the Ministry of Health. They are willing to reactivate their service in the area as soon as the government gives them the green light. It is the first time that a representative of the organization has referred to the issue.