Strains of Influenza in Panama

According to reports by the Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies (Icges), the two strains of the influenza virus that are circulating in the country are AH1N1 and AH3N2.


This was explained by the head of the Department of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health (MINSA), Lourdes Moreno, who recalled that it is extremely important for the population to get vaccinated, especially children over six months and under five years old, the elderly, people with chronic illnesses and pregnant women.  “Influenza cases are more severe, which has led to a greater number of hospitalizations and, therefore, deaths,” said Moreno.  


She stated that the last epidemiological report records 14 deaths and 45 hospitalizations, and that in the next report this number of hospitalizations will double.  It is necessary for people to have a sense of duty and awareness, Moreno stressed.  If you have flu symptoms, isolate yourself, wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, do not self-medicate, and go to health facilities on time.