New Government Generates Economic Confidence

Economist René Quevedo highlighted the messages sent by President Mulino to strengthen private companies as a generator of jobs.  Panamanians have high hopes that their economic situation will improve with the arrival of the new Government.  Such an approach has been made by economists, who view favorably the statements made by the elected ruler Mulino, to improve the economic situation.  For economist René Quevedo, the elected president, José Raúl Mulino, is clear about the enormous challenge he faces, putting “chen chen” in the pockets of Panamanians.  He added that in the face of a more complex panorama, the president has been sending clear messages, aimed at strengthening private companies as generators of jobs, in an environment of social peace and with the efforts of everyone.  Quevedo highlighted that the economy faces a severe liquidity crisis, caused by factors such as, for example, the fact that the Government owes money to its suppliers and contractors.