77.7% of the Panamanian Electorate Voted on Sunday May 5

Above is pictured the TE electoral scoreboard at 4:48pm on Sunday May 5th while the elections were going on so that onlookers could follow the progress of the election in real time.  It didn’t take long before everyone knew who was winning with a wide margin.  A little more than 77.7% of the Panamanian electorate went to the polls on Sunday, May 5, to elect almost 885 public officials. In Panama we have the National Scrutiny Board (JNE), the Electoral Circuit Boards (for the scrutiny of the president and vice president), and the District Scrutiny Boards (for the election of deputies).  The Communal Scrutiny Boards and the Voting Tables are in charge of counting each vote.  In recent days, there was tension over the counting of votes in the circuits 8-2 (San Miguelito), 8-4 (San Francisco, Juan Díaz, Don Bosco, Parque Lefevre and Río Abajo), 8-3 (San Felipe, El Chorrillo, Santa Ana, Calidonia, Curundú, Ancón, Bella Vista, Betania and Pueblo Nuevo), and 2-1 Penonomé, Coclé, for the definition of several positions in the National Assembly .