National Bank of Panama, IMF, and WBG in Washington DC

The National Bank of Panama (Banconal) participated in the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG), held in Washington DC, United States.  During these meetings, issues of regional and global relevance were addressed, which directly impact the economy of the participating countries such as Panama.  The Panamanian delegation, led by the Vice Minister of Economy and Finance, Jorge Almengor, and the general manager of the National Bank of Panama, Javier Carrizo Esquivel, held a meeting at the United States Treasury with Secretary Janet Yellen, the president of the Bank Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Ilan Goldfajn, and the finance ministers of the region. 


“During the meetings, issues of great regional and global relevance were addressed, which affect the economy of our countries, such as the search for solutions aimed at increasing financing, promoting private sector investment and improving preparation for future crises,” Javier Carrizo Esquivel, general manager of Banconal highlighted.  These meetings seek to promote public policies that promote regional economic growth, job creation and poverty reduction in Panama.