Boquete Nocturnal Noise Problem

Boquete, a beautiful mountain village, is being shaken by a persistent nocturnal noise problem, triggered mainly by businesses in the central area of the district. Local residents have expressed their anguish over this growing problem affecting their rest and health. The noise, coming from bars, restaurants, vehicles with horns and trucks without silencers, has become a constant nuisance for the inhabitants of Boquete.  During the Coffee and Flower Festival for about 10 days in January, the disco noise levels are extreme. This nocturnal thunder not only disrupts residents’ sleep, but also negatively impacts those who wake up early for work, children who have to attend school, and older and sick adults who require rest.  The No More Noise Committee in Boquete has emerged as a voice for those affected by this situation. This group expresses concern over the lack of attention and effective action by local authorities responsible for ensuring peace and public health.  I remember years ago when a group of wealthy expats pooled their resources and wanted to purchase the fairgrounds and turn it into a seniors center area for health and well being, but the mayors office found out about the plan and put a stop to it.  It would have meant that the Fairgrounds area, which is used often during the year for noisy disco events, would have to be built out of town, which in fact would be a great idea, taking the noise away from the downtown core.Mayor Joswar Alvarado has responded to community concerns, highlighting legal challenges facing the municipality to address the noise problem.  Although the city hall cannot revoke the permits granted by MICI for activities involving noise, Alvarado has pointed out the possibility of imposing fines as a deterrent measure.  For her part, the Regional Health Director, Gladys Novoa, has affirmed that Minsa is working to address the problem of noise in Boquete.  Some business owners feel they are being harassed by a minority group of residents.  There is a controversy between residents and traders over noise pollution in Boquete.