The Panama Presidential Candidates for 2024

The candidates want to close out their campaigns with a big bang: with artists, speeches, bold proposals and the presence of their supporters, all in the same place.


Moving from left to right…………To date, the deputy and candidate for the Free Nomination, Zulay Rodríguez, has not yet confirmed to the Electoral Court whether she will close out her campaign.  Rodríguez was one of the candidates who did not organize a campaign opening event.


José Gabriel Carrizo, standard bearer of the Democratic Revolutionary Party and the Liberal Republican Movement, will close his campaign on May 1, on Via España.


José Raúl Mulino, candidate of the Alianza and Realando Metas parties, will also attend Vía España for his supporters on April 28.


Ricardo Lombana, candidate of the Otro Camino Movement, will wind up his campaign on April 30, in Plaza 5 de Mayo.


Rómulo Roux, presidential candidate of the Democratic Change-Panameñista Party alliance, will gather all his supporters on April 26 on Vía España.


April 27, Martín Torrijos, candidate of the Popular Party, will also be gathering with supporters on Vía España.


The closing of the campaign culminates with Maribel Gordón, candidate for the Free Nomination, on May 2.


Last but not least on your far right is Melitón Arrocha, candidate for the Free Nomination and supported by the PAIS party.  He plans to close his campaign on April 29, still without a defined place, although according to sources, he may celebrate in a hotel in town.