Panamanian Authorities Have Not Agreed to Meet With Human Right Watch

During an interview on Panama TV, Juan Pappier, deputy director for the Americas division of Human Right Watch, gave more details about the report that the organization published a few weeks ago on the cases of sexual abuse and robberies that occur towards migrants who cross the jungle of the Darien. Data from the National Immigration Service indicate that from January to date, more than 114,000 migrants have passed through the Darién jungle, 20% of whom are minors.  Human Right Watch has let it be known that Panamanian authorities have not agreed to meet with the organization.

According to Pappier, the turning point was the year 2021, when 130 thousand migrants crossed the Darién Gap, then 250 thousand in 2022, half a million migrants in 2023 and this year, between January and March more than 110 thousand migrants and asylum seekers, which represents an increase of 25% compared to the same months in 2023.  This report was the result of two years of investigation, different trips to the borders, both on the Panamanian side and the Colombian side, and interviews with local officials, doctors in the area and humanitarian organizations.  Pappier pointed out that the report seeks to show the shortcomings of Panama and Colombia regarding migration and provide solutions at the same time. Especially the cases of women who have been sexually abused during their journey through the Darién.