Dolega Man Missing. Last Seen in Boquete

A Chiricano man left to do some work on his farm and disappeared; his family is looking for him.  Nayelis Saldaña, daughter of Mr. Abel, explained that her father told her brother that he was going to do some cleaning at the farm, tasks that generally take a day, so he regularly returns home the next day, but this time he didn’t.  Abel Antonio Saldaña, 48 years old, has been missing since last Thursday March 14th after he left his home, located in Las Cañas in Dolega, in the company of his son who left him at the Los Naranjos  intersection  in Boquete, where he boarded a bus to Bajo Mono.  

Since he did not return, his children went to Bajo Mono to see what had happened to their father.  They searched the entire property but were unable to find him at the farm.  The young woman asked a local neighbor if he had seen her father, but the answer was no, so the kids assume that their fater never arrived at the farm.  With each passing day, uncertainty grows among Mr. Saldaña’s children and other relatives  since he has no known enemies.  Although there is no cell phone signal in Bajo Mono, they have dialed his number, but it appears as if the phone is turned off , which is why they decided to file a complaint for his disappearance with the Dolega Missing Person’s Office.  On Thursday March 14th Mr. Abel was wearing a blue striped shirt, black pants and shoes, and was carrying  a backpack. He is 1.70 meters tall, has a thick build, is dark-skinned, dark eyes and hair, and thick eyebrows.  If you have seen Mr. Saldaña or have information as to his wherabouts, you can call 6977-3863 or 6468-8408.