Roberto Duran to get a Pacemaker

The hero of Panamanian boxing Roberto ‘Mano de Piedra’ or ‘Hands of Stone’ Durán, who suffered a heart health setback, is in the hospital and will be fitted with a pacemaker.  Roberto Duran’s wife Felicidad Iglesias says that Roberto is calm and they will surgically implant a pacemaker to regulate his heartbeat. She said “Let’s hope that everything goes back to normal and that Roberto fully recovers.”  Juan Carlos Tapia wrote on his Twitter account now called X that “Roberto is calm and stable”.  Durán had to cancel commitments in Chicago and doctors are recommending that he does not travel.  Roberto “Manos de Piedra” Durán suffered a health complication due to a Complete Atrioventricular “Complete AV Block”.  “We are waiting for more results so we can share more information about his health,” his family reported on the former Panamanian boxer’s Instagram account. 


Some stories that I personally remember from over the years about Roberto………Durán said in an interview “I slept in a hallway in El Chorrillo with two of my brothers, since my mother and me were evicted from the Stone House where we lived.  At school I was the oldest, because I started studying late. I learned to read and write very little because I didn’t have time”. However, he recalled with a laugh: “I went to several schools because they all threw me out. Furthermore, we were very poor and that’s why I couldn’t study. Instead of going to school, I went to carry bags for people at the market so I could carry some food home”.  It was always great to see Roberto at all the boxing matches throughout the country.  He would always attend and shake hands in the crowd.  He is definitely a local hero to his many fans in Panama.