Part 2 of “El Salvador May Become the Richest Central American Country”

El Salvador is taking off as an innovative country, noting that the region may soon be one of the most attractive places in the world to live. Take a look at the map.  El Salvador has ocean front property and a lot of it.  Imagine a coastline with Bitcoin rich property owners, and new golf courses being built where it is summer and sunshine all year long.  No snow or ice except in the Margarita drinks!!!  Can you imagine the possibilities?  Paradise just moved to El Salvador.  Within maybe 30 or 40 years, El Salvador may go from the poorest, most crime ridden country, to maybe one of the richest, most innovative countries in the world, just in that period of time, and this is just because they embraced Bitcoin.  If Bitcoin reaches $100,000 El Salvador may be able to pay off loans owed to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).  It is believed that El Salvador will soon be financially independent.  This will allow the country to focus entirely on its internal tasks, which is most important in our modern world.  Recognizing Bitcoin as an official currency has allowed the government to completely change the financial model and go its own way.  Bitcoin has introduced financial inclusivity and sovereignty to the region.  In a country where a large portion of the population does not have access to traditional banking services and many families depend on remittances, BTC allows Salvadorans to become their own bank and receive money from anywhere in the world for an incredibly low fee.  While President Bukele is firm on not selling the Government’s Bitcoin holdings, BTC is used as money in the country by a small subset of the population.  In some projects including Berlín, El Zonte, and in some parts of San Salvador, there is an intransigent minority of Bitcoiner Salvadorans who are keen to see Bitcoin use outstrip Dollar use.  Don’t miss part 3 of this story coming soon………