Measles Vaccination Campaign Begins in Chiriqui

MMR vaccine holding in hand with injection syringe at the background

Monday March 11th the measles vaccination campaign begins in Chiriquí Province. During this travelling show the infant population will be targeted with the nurses travelling house by house.  Minsa hopes to vaccinate more than 34 thousand children between 1 and 4 years old against measles in Chiriquí. According to the details given by the Nursing department, there are a large number of children without vaccines and they hope to be able to reach all the children missing from the medical records. They also assured that between 15 and 20% of children between 1-5 years old are not vaccinated against measles, hence the urgency for parents to collaborate with the children’s vaccination campaign.  During the launch of the campaign it was indicated that the main purpose is to increase vaccination coverage against measles in the target group made up of 293,646 children nationwide. The vaccination campaign is an inter-institutional management between the Ministry of Health (Minsa), the Social Security Fund (CSS), and private centers.