The murky track record of another  presidential candidate


A candidate for the Presidency was summoned by the Supreme Court to a hearing to bring charges, following a complaint filed by relatives of one of her clients, who accused her of having stolen 66 kilos of gold from their property. And, although the representative alleges “political persecution,” the truth is that she has this process open at the same time that she aspires to direct the country’s destinies. She is the second person to face criminal charges, with the difference that the other candidate – firmly convicted – no longer has the opportunity to continue in the race. The past of this deputy is murky, always linked to cases or people in the world of drug trafficking, including one of them, shot dead. Her speech is always offensive, hiding behind privileges that ensure impunity, regardless of the seriousness of her slander and defamation. She lacks loyalty since she simultaneously aspires to positions (presidency, mayor, and deputy) through her party – the PRD –, through an “opposition” group – RM – and even through free nomination. Vices and a past and present that are a shame, enough for society to send a message loud and clear: no more candidates with this type of track record. – LA PRENSA, Feb. 22.