Flaunting the rules of asylum


The convicted former president granted asylum in the Nicaraguan Embassy does not intend to respect the rules of asylum, since from this legation – considered, under international law, Nicaraguan territory – he is making electoral campaigns and making political comments, despite the fact that You are prohibited from doing so. He does it, furthermore, without the intervention of Nicaraguan diplomats who should enforce the rules of the asylum that their country has granted to a criminal convicted of money laundering. On February 9, in a statement from the Panamanian Foreign Ministry, in which the denial of the request for safe conduct for the convicted person to leave the country was announced, it was warned that “any action, statement or communication made by the former president since the diplomatic headquarters and has repercussions or impacts on the domestic politics of Panama, will be considered interference in the internal affairs of our country and, therefore, will generate diplomatic consequences.” And, given that the former president and the Managua regime ignore the warning, Panama must respond forcefully to what is evidently a mockery, both from the money launderer and from the country that granted him this undeserved political asylum. – LA PRENSA ,Feb. 18.