“Threatened” Martinelli presented a sniper target – Ruben Blades

The Panamanian singer-songwriter and activist Rubén Blades gave his on Sunday, February 11, about the asylum that the Daniel Ortega regime granted to former president Ricardo Martinelli, sentenced to more than 10 years in prison and to pay a $ 92 million fine in the New Business case.

“By requesting asylum in Nicaragua, the convicted Martinelli becomes a fugitive from Panamanian justice,” he stated on his digital blog.

Blades he decided to write those lines to try to provide perspectives about the former president’s new move and help “not be deceived by false narratives” coming from those who support or oppose the asylum seeker.

“The fact that Nicaragua has granted refuge to a fugitive from justice makes that government complicit in harboring a convict who is fleeing the law,” he highlighted.

According to Blades, the international right to asylum was not conceived with that type of protection in mind, and the following is asked: Why did the declared corrupt Martinelli prefer the Nicaraguan embassy instead of seeking asylum in Italy, considering that he is also an Italian citizen?

“Perhaps it is because Italy respects the legal consequences of accepting an escapee like Martinelli. On the other hand, under an autocracy like that of Daniel Ortega, everything is possible, including a so-called leftist dictatorship providing unrestricted protection to a condemned capitalist. How much did the favor cost? Rest assured that it was not free, nor that it happened because the Nicaraguan government respects human rights,” he noted.

He also opined that “the convicted man” alleges as one of his main reasons for taking refuge in the diplomatic headquarters that President Cortizo “wants to kill him”, but -Blades added- the first thing he does as a “fugitive”, already inside the embassy Nicaraguan, is standing in front of an open window, as shown in the photograph circulating on social networks.

“If instead of a photographer it had been a sniper, it would have left[spokesman] Camacho  orphaned,” he added.