January 9  a most  significant date in Panama’s history


January 9th marks 60 years of one of the most significant dates in the country. The incidents generated not only the rupture of Panama’s relations with the United States but also a series of sociopolitical movements that ended with the Torrijos-Carter Treaties in 1977 and the reversal of the Canal on December 31, 1999.

The martyrs of January 9, 1964 , remember the struggle of a generation to recover the sovereignty of the national territory.

60 years ago, 200 students from the National Institute peacefully marched towards the Canal Zone to protest the failure to comply with an agreement between the United States and Panama, in which the flags of the two countries were required to be raised on public buildings in the colonial enclave.

They never thought that the demonstration would become one of the most relevant events in the relations between both countries and that it would change the course of that history. The tension culminated several days later, leaving more than 20 dead and around 400 injured.

Luis Navas Pájaro, educator, writer and member of the board of directors of the Panama Canal Authority, said on the Radar program that after 60 years, it gives the impression that people want to forget what was done and put aside that extraordinary experience that the Panamanian nation contributed, with its advances, stagnation, even setbacks, but most importantly, that on December 31, 1999, the effort of many generations culminated with the recovery of sovereignty and the incorporation of the territory.

“ It is worth it that we can recreate those contributions in every moment of our lives,” he stressed.

Navas also highlighted the figure of President Roberto Chiari and his patriotic and historical position after the events.