The courage of a whistleblower deserves an impartial investigation


The Public Ministry (MP) has launched an investigation into alleged irregularities in the management of the digital voucher platform, reported by the deputy administrator of the Government Innovation Authority (AIG). What can we expect from this research? It is expected to clarify the use of software registered in the name of the AIG, although the institution itself, through its former administrator, stated that it no longer belongs to it, but is the property of a private company that is obtaining considerable profits in institutions. of the State. A thorough investigation is expected that get to the bottom of the matter, regardless of who is involved, and that will not suffer pressure from the Government to avoid revealing the truth. That is what we hope will happen, but it is also what the complaining official expects, who, risking being fired, dared to go to the MP, setting an example of courage that all public servants should follow when learning about irregular or potentially dangerous situations. criminals. It is rare to witness something similar, but the MP now must honor that example through an impartial investigation. With more such officials, both superiors and subordinates will think twice before making wrong decisions. – LA PRENSA,  Jan.5.