Perennial garbage crisis in Panama Wonderland


Over one hundred workers Urban and Home Cleaning Authority (AAUD), have been laid off, which could aggravate Panama’s perennial garbage crisis in 2024 reports TVN.

Some avenues in the city are full of waste, but this is a repetitive scenario in the country, and although it is also part of the population’s culture, the reality is that the crisis is of such magnitude that a state of environmental emergency was declared in the Cerro Patacón landfill and Bocas del Toro.

People wonder if the garbage problem will be part of the agendas of the candidates for the Presidency.

Passersby on the pedestrian walkway stated that they do not understand why the problem cannot be solved, Panama being such a small country. They regretted that the capital’s Central Avenue was full of garbage.

They also recalled the intention of other countries to take away Panama’s garbage, but no agreements were reached.

Some remembered President Laurentino Cortizo’s speech on January 2 in the National Assembly, in which, it seemed, he was talking about  “Wonderland.”

The TVN Noticias team is seeking to speak with the director of the AAUD to find out what strategy will be implemented to address the problem.