Serious deficiencies of Panama students reflected in job market
The PISA tests reveal serious deficiencies of Panamanian students in mathematics, science and reading. It is a shame that, with the amount of money spent in the official education sector, they are among the worst. There has not been the slightest will for our educational system to change and adjust to the new realities of the 21st century. Meduca has a very high share of responsibility for this, for not demanding anything from teachers. Teaching methods are decades behind and even though students receive an outstanding grade at the end of each year, our education is so mediocre that they cannot compete. They remain condemned to a circle of poverty because there is no politician, minister, deputy, or any authority to lead a true educational reform. And, contrary to what some may think or believe, the PISA tests are a valuable instrument to know how we are doing, what needs to be corrected, and what strategies to follow should be. You can believe these results or not, but that does not change the fact that our education is terrible. If there are doubts, we only have to review the statistics to realize that companies have enormous difficulties in finding minimally qualified personnel. That confirms what the tests reveal. – LA PRENSA, Dec. 10.