OPINION: Transparency needed in mine closure
As new negotiations with Cobre Panamá approach, for the orderly and planned closure of the mine, the Government must be transparent, in order to avoid suspicion. Some have even recommended that advisory committees be appointed that include academia and civil society, which, after all, is responsible for the mine being closed after the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice. For the sake of transparency in this closure process, the Government must communicate precisely who will be the negotiators who will represent the State and what their role will be. Furthermore, given that the arbitrations announced by the mining company are approaching, the country will also need to know who will represent the State, both the local ones and the lawyers that the Government will have to hire a broad, as well as inform the country of the results. of each stage of the negotiation. It goes without saying, but it must be done anyway, that for no reason can the Panamanian negotiators be the same ones who caused the disaster that has us in this situation. Once again: transparency is necessary OPINION: Transparency needed in mine closure