Over 1000 arrests for vandalism during protests


A total of 1,061 people, including 927 adults, (men and women) and 134 minors, have been apprehended during public order control actions by the National Police, due to crimes of vandalism and damage to the property.

According to the entity, these people have been prosecuted before the Public Ministry and in the offices of Justices of the Peace, after events committed in the provinces of Panama, Panama Oeste, Veraguas, Chiriquí, and Colón.

In the province of Colón, there have been 109 arrests, including 101 adults and 8 minors, and 14 police video surveillance cameras were affected.

According to reports from the institution, cases of vandalism have been addressed, affecting 63 commercial premises and 19 government institutions, including 13 government offices and one non-governmental office. 28 vandalized video surveillance cameras, Metro stations, and ATMs, in addition to 5 police units and the seizure of 3 homemade weapons in the midst of the demonstrations in Panama Este, Darién, and Colón.

MiBus reported that two buses were vandalized.

So far there are 40 police units injured, five due to physical attacks, 28 due to blunt objects, and seven with firearms, of which two are hospitalized and 19 are incapacitated.

Some 66 vehicles were affected, broken down into 32 government vehicles, 34 police vehicles, and 18 private cars.