Business leaders challenge the government’s response to the crisis.


Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture has challenged the Government of Laurentino Cortizo for its lackluster response to the blocking of streets due to the crisis generated by the rejection of the mining contract.

“The National Government has demonstrated a passive response that ignores respect for constitutional rights. The crisis has stopped being managed both in the streets and in the possibility of generating rapprochements to mediate a way out of the current crisis. Once again, they have been an example of a failed communication and action scheme that has characterized the most critical moments of this period,” the organization said in a statement on Sunday.

 It pointed out that the strategy seems to be to sit back and watch how “the life and well-being of millions of compatriots are ruined every day,” until the Supreme Court issues the ruling in relation to Law 406 of 2023, which renewed the contract. between Minera Panamá and the Panamanian State.

“Only those who do not understand or selectively ignore the total severity of the havoc that this paralysis is perpetrating on the lives of Panamanians is capable of believing that by letting the days pass, the violent, radical and antidemocratic groups will give in.

“No, these alone will not give in, but will continue to attack, with their demagoguery and violence, the democratic foundations of our society,” the Chamber added.

Fortunately, the union maintained, each passing day makes it clearer that “the majority of Panamanians repudiate the paralysis of the country because they value hard work, the continuous education of our children and young people, and the importance of peaceful coexistence.”