Drug trafficking in Panama politics is not an urban legend


Intolerance, fueled by citizen fatigue, left two victims yesterday, while a common crime murdered a district representative. For days now, the media has been warning about the situation that is occurring with the blockades, but the authorities seem determined to sit back while protesters and those affected confront each other in the streets. It is a negligent attitude on the part of the authorities, because, with timely intervention, two families would not be suffering these losses today nor would there be these increasing incidents that test the fragile patience of citizens tired of the blockades and losses of all kinds that they have been suffering. for weeks now. It is necessary for the Police to restore order and prevent these confrontations, while the authority punishes the person responsible for these deaths. Regarding the murder committed by hitmen, an investigation is warranted at the most specialized levels so that once and for all we stop believing that the penetration of drug trafficking into Panamanian politics is a simple urban legend.— LA PRENSA, Nov. 8.