OPINION: A proven coward vying for the presidency


With six months left until the elections, the political atmosphere is tense. We have deputies changing the rules of the electoral tournament at the last minute and a presidential candidate convicted in two judicial instances for crimes related to State assets, and who if elected would have access, once again, to billions of dollars from the treasury.

How can his followers trust that he will not do the same thing for which he was condemned today? How is it that they can believe an empty speech, which he repeats over and over again without any support, and with which he seeks to fabricate an alternate reality, one made to his measure and convenience?

Two judicial instances have already said that he is guilty, however, instead of proving his innocence, both he and his legal advisors will surely try to continue delaying the issuance of a final sentence. Why? Well, it’s very simple: they fear that justice will finally catch up with them. Meanwhile, he hides behind any excuse to continue blaming others for his own faults, evidencing what many of us already know: that he is a coward. – LA PRENSA, Oct. 26.