Four-year convictions for protest vandalism


After the robberies at commercial premises on October 23 and 24 on Central Avenue, where criminals took advantage of the protests rejecting the mining contract, the National Police (PN) recommended merchants close their stores early as a security measure.

Given the tense situation in Plaza Cinco de Mayo, the point of arrival of the protestors throughout the week, and after the vandalism, some merchants took the initiative of not opening their doors, while others opened taking precautionary measures.

The measure was also taken in La Gran Estación, in San Miguelito, where several stores remain closed due to the disturbances recorded on the morning of Tuesday, October 25.

On  Wednesday afternoon, the First Section of Crimes against Economic Assets of the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office obtained four-year convictions for four people, for aggravated theft, on October 23 and 24, in a commercial premises located in Plaza 5 de Mayo in Santa Ana.

Several investigations are underway into vandalism that occurred in other parts of the country.

The Episcopal Conference made a ‘call for peace and to listen to the cry of the people’