OPINION: Social upheaval due  to Panama leaders


We owe the social upheaval that the country is suffering to our leaders and deputies, who approved a mining contract that does not satisfy the population and that also appears to be unconstitutional. They do well. Now, as a result of the protests, we have the prices of legumes, vegetables and greens rising, some to more than double their previous price. There are confrontations – which we know how they arise, but not how they end – between the security forces and the protesters. Buses in the city work partially; there are threats from groups, unions, and everything organized to call for strikes, strikes and protests; Street and highway closures multiply, causing an interruption in all activities, including local and international commerce; and the anger reaches the point of vandalizing even ambulances. It is the most chaotic first day since July last year, when the country’s worst protests in recent years occurred. The deputies and the President of the Republic did whatever they wanted, and with the protection that comes with hiding in a hole, no one from the government now stands up to what appears to be the second worst day of protests in Panama – LA  PRENSA, Oct. 24.