Strolling alligator captured near homes


An alligator who decided to take a stroll around the perimeter of several homes in a residential area located in the Huacas sector in the community of Vacamonte was captured by park rangers from the Ministry of the Environment,  preventing any incident that could cause harm to the residents or the animal itself.

The park rangers indicated that the reptile was captured safely with the proper care and tools, and later released into the tributary of the Mandinga River, Canal area, in the district of Nuevo Emperador in a safe habitat for its development and reproduction because it is a protected natural environment.

MiAMBIENTE urges the population that when they find any species of wildlife, be cautious and report to the complaint line 311 or to the social networks @miambientepanamá or 254-2848 so that the technicians can proceed with the rescue and relocation.

Alligator or a crocodile?

Although at first glance, these reptiles may all seem the same as they have a scaly body, tail, and elongated snout, the truth is that there is a difference between them. For example, size and weight are good indicators that can help us define what species we are dealing with.

Alligators are recognized for being smaller than crocodiles, their snout is longer and pointed in the shape of a “V”. Their legs are short, and their tail usually represents 30% of their body volume. They are usually soft brown in color, with a yellowish tone.

Crocodiles are mainly distinguished by the shape of their heads. They have a flatter and wider head, while the snout is small and round, and when they close it, the teeth are exposed. Its body measures between 1.5 and 1.7 meters long and is olive green.