Team created to probe sexual abuse at Assembly event


An interdisciplinary team has been formed by the Attorney General’s Office, with the objective of complying with the protocols and due diligence required by the investigation of the case related to the possible commission of a crime against freedom and sexual integrity to the detriment of a youth representative, between September 9 and 16.

Prosecutors, specialists, and experts will continue to investigate elements related to the medical treatment received by the victim, the psychological evaluation of the victim protection unit, the detailed interview received with the adolescent, the psychiatrists, and paedo psychiatrists, the teaching staff present during the event, as well as the assigned medical auxiliary team.

The judicial entity highlighted that elements related to the medical treatment received by the victim, the psychological evaluation of the victim protection unit, the detailed interview received with the adolescent, the psychiatrists, and paedo psychiatrists, the teaching staff present during the event, as well as the assigned medical auxiliary team