Current PRD leadership lacks morals and ethics – Martin Torrijos

The Popular Party presidential candidate and former president for the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), Martín Torrijos says he was not surprised by the intention of being expelled from the political party founded by his father, General Omar Torrijos Herrera.
According to the presidential candidate, “the current leadership of the PRD is people who know they have no morals or ethics, who have betrayed not only the ideals of General Torrijos but also the fundamental ideology of the PRD that they have abandoned.”
“Today they are not only talking about expelling me, but they are also talking about expelling many other supporters, who do not feel satisfied or satisfied, who really express their repudiation of the way in which part of the party leadership has come to enrich themselves from politics”, he asserted.
He said that those who are trying to expel him do not represent Torrijismo within the party leadership. “There are really many more than they imagine, those who are dissatisfied, disgusted and indignant and abandoned by the way they lead the PRD”.
Torrijos not only spoke of expulsions but also dismissals. ” Although they have been dismissing many who do not think like them, or do not support the candidate of the Government, this does not intimidate us and I am sure that we will continue forward”.
“I have had to endure insults of all kinds, my family has had to endure attacks that border on unacceptable topics; but, in the end, I am sure that time has proved us right,” he emphasized.
Although he feels pained by what is happening in his collective, he considers that “the feeling of the bases of the party is different from that of the leadership of the party, and they have led us to this point where the PRD is no longer relevant in national politics, but it is the party that is characterized by a vile method of attacking, of disqualifying when they have no arguments they go to the personal. This party leadership has kidnapped it and obeys its own interests and not that of the collective, and much less that of Panamanian society”.