Trump “totally wrong” about the Canal  –  Panama President


Former US  president Donald Trump is “Totally wrong” about the Panama Canal which is run by  Panamanians said, President Laurentino Cortizo on Friday, reacting to the statements Trump, that China controls the Canal.

“Former President Trump is wrong… the world knows that the Panama Canal is managed and well managed by the Panamanians”

Cortizo recalled that this is not the first time that Trump has mistakenly referred to the issue, since during the pandemic when he received a call from the then-president for the delivery of ventilators to Panama, he told him in the presence of the then-foreign minister, Alejandro Ferrer, that the Panama Canal Panama was administered by China.

Cortizo reiterated that on that occasion he clarified to Trump that he was totally wrong and told him that the waterway is managed “successfully by Panamanians.”