The danger of the Canal losing relevance


The Panama Canal is, without a doubt, the most profitable of the State’s businesses. The business is to have turned the country into a route – almost obligatory – of world trade. If Panama loses competitiveness, as a profitable and fast route, at that moment, the Canal will also lose relevance. That is why it had to be expanded; to be competitive against other routes that offered other advantages. However the fact that the Canal cannot offer a better draft and that the number of ships that can transit daily through the waterway has decreased due to the scarcity of water is a serious problem. We are facing a problem that is also a challenge, not only for the current Canal, but for the future one because if there is not enough water, there will be no route. Those who make decisions about the Canal must understand this: Taking them too late or wrongly can ruin this business, on which there is great pressure because the benefits of the Canal are increasingly necessary for the country. So watch out! The water situation has put the Canal to the test, and here there is no room for mistakes or negligence. – LA PRENSA, Hoy por Hoy Aug.25.