Consumer  Protection finds 641 expired products in 18 stores


The Consumer Protection Authority (Acodeco) detected 641 expired products that were for sale, through a verification operation at several commercial premises, located in the sectors of Los Andes and 9 de Enero, in the San Miguelito district on Wednesday, August 23.

Eighteen companies from the two communities were visited and other irregularities were found, such as non-compliance with price control ceilings, where records were drawn up, and fines totaling $750. were imposed including f failing to comply with the marketing margin.

In addition, the misuse of a 25-pound gas tank was found, in breach of a Cabinet Decree.

Acodeco calls on consumers to report any anomalies they observe in a commercial establishment, through Sindi (Institutional Information and Complaint System) which works 24/7, or through WhatsApp and Telegram at 6330-3333, the accounts of the Acodeco social networks on Facebook, Twitter and the website of the institution. The complaints are anonymous, but the name of the business premises, its location, and a description of the irregularity are required.