Retirees wait 26 hours for no-show president


he National Coordinator of Retirees denounced that they waited more than 26 hours in the Presidency to meet with President Laurentino Cortizo reports La Prensa.

In a video, Roberto López, a representative of the retirees, said that they had to wait 26 hours for the Minister of Economy and Finance, Héctor Alexander, who never arrived.

“We are not going to be responsible for what happens from here on out because we are tired of the lies and we are not going to put up with this anymore,” López complained.

He added that if the MEF minister does not come in the next few hours, then they would take action at the national level. He said that they have been kidnapped with lies.“ We have been patient but the truce is over. You have not said anything and you have remained silent”.

In another video, Carlos García, Vice Minister of the Presidency, is seen apologizing to the group on behalf of the President for not attending them.

“I can’t give an excuse… I feel very sorry and ashamed for you. Due to the respect and affection, I have for them, they are elderly people who deserve all our consideration, they can be our fathers, mothers, or grandparents… I apologize on behalf of the President”. Immediately afterward, a spokesman for the retirees replied to him for having disrespected them.

The Retirees Coordinator was summoned by García to meet in the Presidency with the objective of evaluating their aspirations.

Officials from other ministries were to be present at the meeting, including the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, while the tone of the letter conditioned their aspirations to improve minimum pensions on the approval of the contract with Minera Panama, which will begin to be discussed next week.